The research of the Department of Entrepreneurship has been published in a prestigious international journal

The paper ” Work Values and the Value of Work: Different Implications for Young Adults’ Self-Employment in Europe“ has been published in the prestigious social science journal The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. The authors, Martin Lukeš, Manuel Feldmann and Federico Vegetti, examine the question based on what personal values ​​young Europeans enter entrepreneurship rather than paid employment. The main finding is the importance of intrinsic motivation – especially the emphasis that young entrepreneurs put on the need for independence and creativity. On the contrary, the need for security was less important for young entrepreneurs. The research did not find support for higher importance of work centrality for young entrepreneurs than for young employees. The influence of financial motivation was also not found to be strong. The results point to the need to encourage intrinsic motivation of young people to develop entrepreneurial culture.