Intrafamily Conflicts in Family Firms: Antecedents, Effects and Moderators

Time of realization: 2020–2022
Financing: GAČR (GA20-04262S)
Description: The family business literature does not offer many empirical studies devoted to the effects of conflicts on the success of the family, the family firm, and the family entrepreneur. At the same time, recently, a new type of conflict – the status conflict- has been identified, whose antecedents and effects are not yet documented in the family business literature. The intertwinement of family and business presents unique opportunities for research in the area of conflicts within the family as a social group. Last but not least, the effects of conflicts on the noneconomic performance of family firms and subjective success of the entrepreneur are still unexplored.

With this project, we aim to contribute to our understanding of what factors drive intrafamily conflicts in family firms, what are the consequences of these conflicts on economic and non-economic performance, and what is the interplay of the factors and individual conflict types. The goal of this project is to investigate the relationships among antecedents of conflicts, different conflict types (relationship, task, process, and status conflict), and effects on business, family and personal success outcomes in family businesses.

Main coordinator: doc. Ing. et Ing. Ondřej Machek, Ph.D. MBA
Other participants from the Department of Entrepreneurship: prof. Mgr. Ing. Martin Lukeš Ph.D.