
New video about IMES 2018 Conference released!

We were proud to organise the 6th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2018). See our video.

New video about IMES 2018 Conference released!

Excursion to Sonnentor in Čejkovice

On May 16, 2018, our department organized an excursion to Sonnentor in Čejkovice for students. Sonentor is a Czech famouse producer of bio teas and bio spices. The participants not only visited he company, they also met the company owner Tomáš Mitáček (and not only him), and were invited to miniworkshop called “Tea as a […]

Excursion to Sonnentor in Čejkovice

Jan Řezáč spoke about business growth management problems

The Department of Entrepreneurship welcomed the founder of the international company Socialbakers, Jan Řežáb, who spoke about business growth management problems. The lecture was held on March 20, 2017 from 19.45 in Vencovský’s auditorium. The aim of Jan Řežáb’s speach was to highlight problems the future entrepreneurs might encounter during their company’s growth and to […]

Jan Řezáč spoke about business growth management problems

Prize of Josef Hlávka for Ondrej Dvoulety

On 16 November 2017, our colleague Ondrej Dvouletý was awarded the Prize of Josef Hlávka. This Proze is awarded annually by Nadace Nadace Josefa, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávka to the best students and graduates of Prague public universities, Brno technicians and young talented workers of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Prize of Josef Hlávka for Ondrej Dvoulety

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