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Generali EnterPrize White Paper
Na základě požadavku coordinátora projektu SDA Bocconi Scholl of Management byla v rámci smlouvy o spolupráci zpracována část za Českou republiku. Bílá kniha má využívat údaje a postřehy založené na nejrelevantnější akademické literatuře, jakož i na mezinárodních zprávách a studiích a národních zdrojích informací z osmi vybraných zemí: Itálie, Španělska, Německa, Francie, Rakouska, Švýcarska, Maďarska, a Česká republika.
Obsah: Řešitelé zpracovali “Desk Research” do Reportu o délce 26 stran, který obsahoval požadované informace z oblastí:
- Involving SMEs in the sustainability agenda is paramount, due to their economic and social relevance, as well as for their participation in (national and international) value chains.
- SMEs rarely use the language of corporate sustainability to describe their activities. They adopt informal strategies, aimed at securing their license to operate.
- Institutional, organizational, and individual factors prevent SMEs from adopting sustainability strategies and developing environmental and social initiatives.
- Three pillars contribute to define sustainable European SMEs: welfare initiatives towards employees, circular economy and energy efficiency, and community engagement.
- Sustainability-related benefits can be revenue-related (e.g. growth, competitive positioning and increase of margins, access to markets) as well as cost-related (e.g. operational efficiency, cost of capital).
- Tailored instruments and support on “material” issues are needed to overcome obstacles that prevent SMEs from being sustainable, and foster their full potential.
- Institutions and policy makers, as well as the private sector, including large enterprises and financial companies, need to support and assist SMEs in their journey to sustainability.